Coffee bean + boiling water = sweet aroma

Patience. So I'll wait for the sweet aromaaaa

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

The idea

The bubbling urge of bursting into what you have always wanted to do finally catches up and you know that it's time. It gets closer until you can not longer deny it. The blurry clouds clear and the desire grows stronger. You felt like just jumping onto the bandwagon while still heading in the same direction that you have always believed.

It's time.

Ever felt that way?
Wondered what is it that you have been doing and how it all tie in with the dream you dreamt eons ago?
What propels you to do all that you have been doing?
What is your driving factor?
Are you still waiting for a miracle to push you out of that comfort zone into that which you have been waiting for with much excitement albeit fear.
Does reality spoil dreams?
Why can't dreams spoil reality?

You can be that miracle.

It's time.

Friday, April 10, 2009

What would you do? - You have 24hrs

You step into a place where this group of youth greets you with a gregarious nature, sometimes appearing to be more rude than friendly. You see another group seated separate from the rest of the gang, nonchalant about your presence and ignorant about the noise in the room.

As you speak, faces are slowly being uplifted. Some are still doubtful about what you just shared while others are catching a glimpse of hope and seeing possibilities. They realised that what you say makes sense. The nonchalant group starts to warm up and speak with you. The gregarious gang carries on with their routine, seemingly unmoved by what's happening around them.

Time passed. 8hours gone. In the blink of an eye, another 8hours gone.

You have this last 8hours with them, and you know that time will pass you by. Before you know it, it's time to go. And just before you go, the two groups are no longer separated. They are one. They look to you, edging at their seats, inching forward just to catch your last few statements before bidding good byes. You know your words carry power. You have the opportunity to build, lift up and encourage those who need it. You also have the chance to push those who need that extra bit of boost.Suddenly, they stood up and started to speak. Their speeches were not uncommon - Nothing you've not heard of. Yet there was such great sincerity and almost a cry of desperation for help from the rest of the audience. You hear their stories - of needful friendships, family problems and of school academia. As the rest of the crowd lend their ears, they finally realised that they, too, are not alone in the daily struggles of lives be it in school or at home. That was another breakthrough in the minds of many.

You have to address what the issues shared. Those words ring crystal clear in your mind:

"My parents call me a disappointment and my younger siblings said I'm a loser"
"I need help, Please help me"
"My parents don't even encourage me like this; my principal don't even want to talk to me"
"I want to prove to others that I'm not a failure"

You know your hand can only be extended that far. Your impact can go a long way albeit not likely to be witnessed by you, anyway.

Your time is almost up, 15mins to go.

What would you do?

Wednesday, April 08, 2009

What would you do?

You see a lady speaking with a language of your own. At the same time, she approaches you with a little laminated certificate that allows her to earn through selling little key chains just for a living. Evidences state that she lacks the means or abilities to work like you do and probably rehearsed those few lines, uttered just moments ago, multiple times before making that bold step in public, asking for 'donations'.
Obviously she wasn't fluent in her English language. Obviously she wasn't well dressed. Obviously she's asking that you help her live tomorrow better. She went on to explain that the key chain's worth five dollars and if you would be kind to just purchase the last key chain she has for the day.
The time stated 9pm.
Five dollars is nothing more than a 'Beer Battered Fish and Chips", or even a simple lunch at Macs.
What would you do?

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