Coffee bean + boiling water = sweet aroma

Patience. So I'll wait for the sweet aromaaaa

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Good or Great?

Somebody once challenged me to dissect the values I embrace, see if they are still intact and as relevant to the times of today, before putting them back together again. I find myself having the need to revisit this statement and thought each time a seemingly critical situation presents itself. It beckons me to evaluate, challenges me to examine and finally corners me to stand firm and further solidify the stands I hold dear to.

It is without doubt, nor is it a sweeping statement any further, to mention that the iY Gen is rising up and falling down even faster. It is not in my interest to elaborate on the statement in this note to self. On the contrary, this serves to remind me of things I once held dear to, and still do. Expectations anchored upon the wrong measures will lead to a huge chasm of unrealistic desires, bringing us from a place where we stood firm to yet another that wavers. When you find yourself finding all sorts of faults with others and accomodating to your personal and seemingly immediate and urgent needs, then kindly take a step back and remind yourself of why you embarked on the journey, right from the onset. Surely, our lives can be more than just a 'try out'. Be sure of what you hope for, and certain of what you do not see.

I recall a chinese scholar's words when I asked for the reasons behind not wanting to strive for a decent language grade and studying hard: "For what? I don't know why I'm doing this... anymore." A sign of exasperation, tipping of resilience and perhaps, loneliness. It appears that the purposes of our being and actions will ultimately fall upon the bedrock of our dreams and visions, even goals for both the future and present. Dreams are powerful, they drive you, they are the fuel of everyday, they take your eyes off those obstacles laid before you. These dreams, need to be governed, inspired and made concrete with the Author. Without which, we all labour in vain. Are you without a dream?

In a culture of discipline, we do not have "jobs", we have responsibilities. It is in the lack thereof, that we see a declining quality of youths attempting to achieve big dreams with small efforts. Since when, were we taught that small efforts can ever achieve big dreams? I am worried, but that is too big a worry for me to solve. My capacity calls me to now do that which has been given, so that one day, I can do bigger. I supposed, that is disciplined. I am not a superman, I shall not attempt to be.

It takes time and much effort to establish a 'Flywheel', a momentum. In the process, it's nothing but pure hardwork, perspiration and growth in the muscles. Try to skip this step, and you will never reach the desired momentum. Would you attempt to evaluate and examine the 'why', before you go ahead with the 'what'? Would you dare to take time off and challenge the motives behind your actions? I have reached an understanding, that the 'who' is more important than the 'what'. The wrong passengers must get off, so as to make space for the right ones.

Ahhh, note to self is awesome. Remind me to revisit this again, year end.

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