Coffee bean + boiling water = sweet aroma

Patience. So I'll wait for the sweet aromaaaa

Friday, November 30, 2007

The Summit

87 hrs for the students, 108hrs for the Coaches.
Kudos to Coach David and Yvonne, the camp was great. Of course, our Heavenly Maker held the rain and amazingly enabled all games to be smoothly played over the 4 days. Each game was carefully planned with a purpose behind and so, they were really important to have been carried out. THAT, is something to be thankful for.
Some lives were changed. There were breakthroughs in the way some of these students think. Their mindsets, their perceptions. Hearts were touched and friendships were forged.
Am particularly touched by some of the students' testimonies. Their sharing not just touched my heart but enabled me to see my role in their lives through this workplace that I'm in. When I think about these students, I can almost imagine a sunrise. Every new day dawns a new beginning. Endless possibilities. A youth who might one day rise up and make a difference, being that AOC. Agent of change.
The students definitely benefited from not just the activities, but also the sessions (which they conveniently called 'lectures'). Personally, those were great food to begin with. I believe the other Coaches received the entire summit very well. We could see the change in not just their perception but also in the way they led these students. I saw the heart and I knew something new was deposited in them. I am excited for them. I am even more excited to see how they would grow from this point forth.
I was definitely deadbeat after the summit. We went for a massage which was highly recommended by david. And yes... I had abreakthrough in my mind too, I finally wanted to try foot massage. The back and neck massage was so good I also dr00o0oolllllll-ed. Gosh, I'm imagining myself going back there after Piaget.
I need rest. And I find my strength when I rest in Him.

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