Coffee bean + boiling water = sweet aroma

Patience. So I'll wait for the sweet aromaaaa

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

I'm loving it!

Friday, June 15, 2007


Ah ha, no food this time. I was wondering when I would finally decide to update this long overdue post.

Firstly, the trip to Taipei was great. Great not because it was a shopping trip. Neither was it because I survived a holiday trip. It was great simply due to the fact that the mind was rested. Rested from the dailies which I face whilst here. It's nothing bad, nothing too difficult. It's just being away in a less humid place if you could put it that way.

I have seen more than just taipei people, I saw how my room buddies reacted when we lost our way and couldn't find the stipulated eating places. I also saw how a usually quiet boy can suddenly transform into a shopping machine. I saw more than just Shilin Market. I saw sorethroats and more when I returned home. XiMen was not just a shopping place. It was a food haven. I still remember the first 'steamed' bun I had before setting foot into Rainbow Hotel. For $0.50, it surely was awesome and got me wanting for more. Pictures are up here.

I was looking through the various entries in this blog. Over the last year, there were indeed many posts. And also a wide array of readers from links that somehow are connected to me. School, church, work, etc. More than that, my thoughts were recorded. I saw the things which my mind was occupied with, issues which stuck with me for quite sometime and the 'favourites' which I toyed with over the months. Somehow, I lost the 'interest' or rather, the urge to blog about food. Maybe the sore throat did more than just losing the appetite for food.

This book I'm reading got me thinking about quite a number of things. It addresses the very reason why I go to 'church' every weekend. So why? I identify pretty much with what the author says and he quite aptly put it in words clearer than I would have been able to describe it. In short, community living.

Merely 2 simple words but they are quite big in meaning and action. It has always been stucked at the back of my head but never quite got its way to the front line. There are other books which are similar in nature but just not as 'connective' as this one is. Author of the best selling "Inside Out", wrote "Connecting" and by far, is one of the books which really got me intrigued not just by his style of writing but his boldness in stating the content. I figured that many around me would agree with what he wrote, although not wholly, and it would please me to introduce this to you as well. This is no 'revival' book that tells you about what took place in the 1900s, neither is it a manual about how to 'pray'. I'm only into the beginning chapters so I'll leave you to find out more about it. If it so pleases you, google it but it would deprive you the pleasure of reading =]

Ah, Nokia attempts to get people to stay 'Connected'. I say it's time we connect to one anothers' soul. But where and how do we start? Anyway, I like the way he wrote the intro. Really got me thinking about how I imposed standards on my members and termed them as 'God's standards' without identifying their real needs. Sorry guys, a little late for me to say this. =] But hey, better late than never. =]

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