Coffee bean + boiling water = sweet aroma

Patience. So I'll wait for the sweet aromaaaa

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

The idea

The bubbling urge of bursting into what you have always wanted to do finally catches up and you know that it's time. It gets closer until you can not longer deny it. The blurry clouds clear and the desire grows stronger. You felt like just jumping onto the bandwagon while still heading in the same direction that you have always believed.

It's time.

Ever felt that way?
Wondered what is it that you have been doing and how it all tie in with the dream you dreamt eons ago?
What propels you to do all that you have been doing?
What is your driving factor?
Are you still waiting for a miracle to push you out of that comfort zone into that which you have been waiting for with much excitement albeit fear.
Does reality spoil dreams?
Why can't dreams spoil reality?

You can be that miracle.

It's time.


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