Coffee bean + boiling water = sweet aroma

Patience. So I'll wait for the sweet aromaaaa

Sunday, August 27, 2006

White Tulip

Can't help but awe in God.

For those who saw me in crutches, I am crutches no more. I am healed overnight. I approached the prayer meeting on Friday with little faith, if there's any to begin with. I had this sticky mindset about having the injury heal naturally by itself and that God will eventually heal me. Well, the latter is definitely true. But God has proven me wrong yet again. He desires to show me His healing power and at the same time stretch this almost atom-size or smaller faith which I have. It was as though I felt faith grow that night.

There's power in corporate prayer.

After prayer, I felt the ability to wriggle all my toes. On top of that, I felt the bone being restructured. It was as though the process took place while my mind was still trying to register God's healing upon my life, upon this tiny toe of mine. There was surely an alignment of the various ligaments, bone structures and etc etc that was at the left feet. If I could best describe the feeling, it felt as if someone was massaging the already swollened feet.

The swelling went down. The pain subsided. The toes now looked normal sized to me. Faith grew. Strength also grew. And I grew another step closer to trusting God for greater things.

The following day was sports shoes for me. And finally, a proper attire for enrolment service on Sunday. Oh, such grace and mercy was seen. Never felt better. What can I do but praise You? What can I do but thank You?

"Ms. Lim Lan" was shocked. But hey, that which is supernatural to us, is nothing but God's nature. Healing IS His business. I am His creation afterall. He surely knows how to fix me up.

If only more were present that Friday evening.

Thursday, August 24, 2006

1 Leg Kicking

1 leg kicking reminds us of the holiday movie produced locally by director Eric Khoo and including actors such as Gurmit Singh and Ah Beng Lee Tok Gong. One Leg Kicking, on the other hand, is a heart-warming tale about a rag-tag bunch of laymen defying the odds to qualify for the 2002 World Cup, rather like the underdog Jamaican sled team in Cool Runnings. haha...This show has no relation albeit the the title carries the action that has dominated my movement over the last few days.
A picture speaks a thousand words. The picture depicts the end result of a soft bone that was 'damaged' by whatsoever reason due to unforeseen circumstances. I prefer to recognise it as a time to slow down, relax and an opportunity to gain sympathy points from passengers on MRT trains and SBS buses. :) Oh come on...this is Singapore, OF COURSE seats will be readily given up for me...right? haha...coupled with that experience would be that of having the most wonderful time of my life bathing with a leg stuck out of the cubicle. You have no idea how uncomfortable that was. And yes, another few more rounds to go until it is time for the bandages to come off.
The Rooibos Tea is a by-product from RoibO Tea which failed to make it into the market during the craze of the bubble tea era. They tried the 'healthy drinks' concept which didn't quite work in a deep-fried nation. Well, it's now on sale at a mere dollar per bottle and yes..I decided to get it as a boost to my already low morale from limping around from place to place since Tuesday morning. Know what? It tastes pretty good with the blend of wild honey and lemon... (Can anyone imagine how wild honey is like? As wild it can get?)
Next to it lays a 10cm by 7cm ziplock that contains herbs pounded into modernised pills. I laughed for the first time in the day when I saw those pills. The smell of herbs permeated into the air when I opened that little receptacle... No doubt the sinsei has jumped on the bandwagon to modernisation.
"You don't like the pile of herbs on your table? Well, we can also offer you them in pill format. :) Please settle the bill at the front desk. Take Care and come back in 2 days' time!"
I thought about it and asked myself how I would react if I were to remain like this for the rest of my life...I don't know. And that's frail I realised I am. That's also how frail an deceitful our hearts are until we are brought before circumstances that force us to recognise that part of us. Like it or not, that's the truth. The cruelty and facade of life have left us to grow on our apathy towards life. If we think we had it all, we have been consistently watching our lives...think again. That's just how frail I am. I'm way too comfortable in this society of dead and dry bones that needs life. I have a broken soft bone...but what I need is a broken heart.
Oh me.

Friday, August 11, 2006

Try some Brain Juice!

Originally uploaded by elginwx.
A friend sent me this. I only managed to count 3... haha, enjoy!

Count every "F" in the following text:


How many??

Answer: 6. No joke! If you counted 6, you're supposed to be a genius. Normal people will count 3. 4 is quite rare. I only counted 3...haha, so what's that supposed to mean?

Here's another one:

O lny srmat poelpe can raed tihs..

cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn m nid de os not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Amzanig huh? yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt! if you can raed tihs psas it on !!

Monday, August 07, 2006

Sims Singapore

Yeap, the follow up of the previous post is the birth of this to-be-game on paper. Development of video games and entertainment industry. When entertainment is mentioned here, I would like to state it's only the media especially movies and video games.

In the twinkling of an eye (with that particular accent), I'm about to embark on the final project for this module. This requires a little bit of gaming knowledge and background. That I have little to begin with, shall be backed up by my group mates who spent a huge portion of their lives immersed in clicking the mouse. Nonetheless, there ARE such people around me even in close proximity, so why am I surprised anyway...

Well, it has reached a point where I was called up to talk about 'Sims City Classics' in front of the class so that I might gain some brownie class participation points. I played that game for a short 15minutes and the mechanics of it are basically simple. Budget, grasping the patterns of buildings and of course, the rules set for the mayor to run the city. And from such a simple game developed the Sims City 2000, Urbz on the PS2 and Civilisation with similar game concept and design. Now, that which I almost wrote for my essay, has to be designed on paper and due for submission within 10days. Haha....from something small, these game designers sure can come up with something huge.

And that is the same as the Kindgom of God. A tiny mustard seed is planted in the garden, with the watering of plants and sunlight being the source of live, the seed germinates and grow. Eventually, it becomes a tree. Overtime, the roots strengthen, tree grows and it gets strong enough to stand on its own. Birds will then come and build nest in its branches. Just like how a little bit of yeast would work through the whole dough and permeate into every part of the dough, so it is like the Kingdom of God.

And that's also our job, to spread the jam to the rest of the bread that's empty. "Let those who know, tell those who don't know..." - quote from a revivalist-to-be in SMU.


"Life and time will not delay,
Time is running fast away,
Life is now today; today..."

Who gave you 24hours a day?

If the romans gave to caesar what that belonged to him....then we should also give to Him who gave us 24hrs a day.

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