Coffee bean + boiling water = sweet aroma

Patience. So I'll wait for the sweet aromaaaa

Wednesday, April 08, 2009

What would you do?

You see a lady speaking with a language of your own. At the same time, she approaches you with a little laminated certificate that allows her to earn through selling little key chains just for a living. Evidences state that she lacks the means or abilities to work like you do and probably rehearsed those few lines, uttered just moments ago, multiple times before making that bold step in public, asking for 'donations'.
Obviously she wasn't fluent in her English language. Obviously she wasn't well dressed. Obviously she's asking that you help her live tomorrow better. She went on to explain that the key chain's worth five dollars and if you would be kind to just purchase the last key chain she has for the day.
The time stated 9pm.
Five dollars is nothing more than a 'Beer Battered Fish and Chips", or even a simple lunch at Macs.
What would you do?


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