Coffee bean + boiling water = sweet aroma

Patience. So I'll wait for the sweet aromaaaa

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

My crazy siblings!

Originally uploaded by elginwx.
Here's a strip with the few pictures I think are really nice and recent. I shall not reveal their pictures from the ancient days...your eyes will pop! I particularly like the one that's white and photocopied with just the "3 of us" - the usual name I give for pictures with '3 of us'. Ha. Cool right! Here goes:

Beyond the smiles and laughters, you see 3 lives with a destiny given from the most high God. Each given a unique purpose and destiny for which only the individual can walk and complete. No one else can do it for them. Yet they are not left all alone, they are given help - Never left alone.
For the one that chooses to walk away, I say it is akin to walking on thin thread and surviving on what is call 'grace'. It's like a harness attached to the body, just in case you fall off.
That person, however, can always choose. We have ALL been given a choice right from the start. You choose to cross the road because it's a 'green man' and you think it's safe. You choose to talk to this other friend because you think friendship starts like that.
And that person, can always choose to cling onto that harness, or unhook it.
What if, our lives are just like that in the picture, where death accompanies the one who lets loose his fingers. Will we then cling on like we have never done before? And ensure a Recon 1spiritual status at all times?

Unfortunately, the God I know is not cruel. He promised rest for those who believe. This rest which has already been prepared and available to us since Day 7 of creation. Moses', Joshua's and Caleb's generation had people who simply tested and still didn't believe in Him. These people, didn't enter the 'rest'. Canaan was completely out of the question. There was no peace, no grace, no nothing for them.

It has been said, those who seek will find. But those who with disbelief, will never enter.

May we be ever ready, believing with not just cognitive knowledge but with all our hearts. With a passion that burns deep.

Check out this link.
I always imagined. And the Word says that He is able to perform beyond our wildest imaginations. What will happen when students in every school begin to cry out for their friends in schools?
We need faith to believe that it can happen. We got to 'want it'.

Sunday, May 28, 2006

A sequel to knots tying

Moshi Moshi! (hello! in Jap)

To see part 1, please visit 96 Boys and 72 Girls!
Today's another day of clove hitches, square and diagonal lashings.
Here's a little bit from today: Enjoy!
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Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting This is a square lash done by one of the Boys!
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Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Talk about creativity :)
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They got about tying the "Tripod Stand" as soon as we handed out the sticks and strings.
Simple instructions were given to them:

1. Tie a 3 legged stand, supported with illustrations.
2. Build a rectangle frame with sticks between.
3. Tie 3 sticks to the legs of the tripod to secure the stand.
4. Combine the tripod and the frame together...taDA!

Except for a few who enjoy jumping around with sticks, the rest went about busying themselves with knots and lashings. It really got me to think differently of the Boys when I see them put into fruition what they learn from the last meeting. Not to mention that the knots were tight enough to hold the tripod! This goes to show that they are ready for greater challenges when we get them to build bigger structures in the future. *Thumbs up for them!

Kids will always be kids...noisy, but they are still listening. Mischievious but still learning discipline. Behind every face of disobedience, it's more than just the act. It's an outward expression of what that is inside of them. I'm sure parents see much more of this. :)

Sometimes, just taking a step back to see them mingle in their activities opens our eyes to see what we do not normally see at the onset. In the meetings to come, God willing, may we see their hearts at work and not just the outward expressions.

Just some thoughts running through my mind as I upload the pictures and remember the scenes I saw today. :)

Gambette for the team! (press on! in Jap)

Saturday, May 27, 2006

Trust & Obey

Originally uploaded by elginwx.
This song was sang during prayer meeting tonight.
The first stanza goes like this:

"When we walk with the Lord
in the light of His Word,
What a glory He sheds on our way!
While we do His good will,
He abides with us still,
And with all who will trust and obey

While singing that song, I was reminded about Paul's letter to Timothy. When he was first brought before the judge, he was alone. Everyone abandoned him. Yet Jesus was with him, giving him the strength and ability to go through the situations. He was also rescued from 'certain' death. Having cling onto His word, it will be the light unto our paths.

This song goes simple yet contains such truth about Christian life.
To trust is to put your faith in something/someone in reliance.
To obey means to follow instructions and comply.

Suddenly, as it is being revealed that there is a drawing near of hearts, all my weaknesses seem to surface, to appear, made known to me. It's like God's light coming nearer and it reveals even the cobwebs in corners of the house.

It's actually a good thing. You know? :)

And so the journey begins, the journey of trust and obeying. A lot more goes behind those 2 words. Yet I know it is going to be exciting and as fun as it gets, I will daily fight until I learn the way the generals fought.

Ajay! Byahshah!

Friday, May 26, 2006

Sir, how much is revival?

C: "Hello Aunty, how much is this?"
Find this familiar?
I definitely do, and I even bargain.
C:"Cheaper lar..I come all the way here."
A:"I'm sorry, the price is fixed. It used to be way higher but after I absorbed the GST, I cannot lower it anymore."

Just for humour, GST stands for 'Global Sins' Tax'. And it has been absorbed when Jesus came to do what no man could do. Yet we still bargain. For some, they are absolutely good at bargaining. Some others, they bargain for a while thinking that the price they offer is good enough, then they stop because they realised that the price they offer simply isn't enough.

Lately, I have been intrigued with the thought about 'revival'. I realised I never really understood what revival meant until recently. I have read books and heard stories about great things happening in every other parts of the world and I'm still amazed at how it all took place.

Let's put aside all cognitive knowledge from which arguments stem and every other fleshy mindset and look at this matter objectively. If not, please press Alt+F4 now.

Over the phone with a friend, where the conversation was said to never have existed once we hang up...we came to the topic of revival and mentioned a few of whom you might be familiar with. John G. Lake, Maria Woodworth-Etter, Kathryn Kuhlman, Smith Wigglesworth and so on.
They were great generals of God and used in powerful ways where their ministry were 'outstanding'.

John G. Lake,had a family of 5 children with a wife who offered her life to servanthood. 4 hours of prayer and reading of God's word was the minimal for him daily.

Kathryn Kuhlman, a lady of destiny whose ministry included physical healing of the body. The Holy Spirit would move and people were healed in the midst of her preaching of God's word. She grounded herself with the Word of God in her teenage years and her believed every inch of it. Each time before she goes on stage, she would tarry in brokeness and in realisation of how small she is. She wouldn't move without the anointing of the Spirit.

Maria Woodworth-Etter,was the woman many akin to Esther in the old testament. She oftened said that she is merely a worm in the dust. Humility and obedience led her to fulfilling the call to preach to 'all who were perishing'. Signs and wonders accompanied her. Spiritual authority over sin, diseases and demons.

Smith Wigglesworth,had a phrase and I like it alot. ha. "God said it, I believe. That's it." And with that faith, he went on with signs and wonders, even resurrection from the dead of his wife. An uneducated plumber, raised the 'faith temperature' in his time.

They were all human, frail and fragile just like us. If it's about paying the price, then the above mentioned must have paid it, somehow.
Could it be their secret life, which is prayer? The supernatural to us, is natural to God. It is in God's nature to heal. He cannot deny Himself. The same power that raised Jesus then, is still very much available to us now. If so, what is holding us back or hindering us from flowing in the power that is given to us?

In a sermon I have heard at least twice, the price to pay was not cheap.

1. To be captured by a vision.
2. Destroy the flesh.
3. Living a life of purity.

I'm still trying to get pass the first point. I met a noel and he shared about God wanting us to move in faith. To move in the supernautral and no longer use ploughing equipment to plough. No longer use machines to build. But supernaturally, raise up the building for God. Faith.
We have been way too comfortable.

Lord, prepare our hearts and ready us so that we can receive from You when revival comes. Only make us ready. Make me ready.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Kiasu, Giam siab vs Generousity

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How many signs you want? So generous leh...Why not make it $5,000. Scare those who are not afraid.

Now take a look at the next picture:
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We're talking about cheese wrapped around the 150grams worth of beef patty.
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It'll probably take a 10km run over 3 days to burn that off.
I was having lunch with the badminton gang. This picture was taken over lunch and it was a whopping $6.50 containing 150grams of juicy beef patty from Australia, bread from Japan and french fries (w bbq toppings) that don't seem to cost any money to Botak Jones.I tried the Botak Burger. Those present at lunch could see me smiling from from cheek to cheek. It really filled the already big stomach.

Talk about kiasu, kiasi, giam siab. We wondered why this shop is doing so well along AMK Ave 5. It's not prominently located. It's merely a store you find in a coffee shop. Should I have been daring enough to capture a couple more shots, I can show you that every other table ordered from Botak Jones; and the other stores such as the "1Ton mee", "Ba Chor Mee", "Tse Char store" and "Prata store" are crying out to sell their noodles.
They have a banner which I found really amusing and that caught my attention while I was 30m away in the carpark. It says: "Dam* good food at a Dam* good price!" At the back of their t-shirts it goes: "Dam* good!"
(some letters were omitted to maintain the clean language used in this blog.)
A very good marketing move and excellant customer service with a smile on their faces.
IF that's not enough, while taking orders, Ms 'X' was very confident of their food claiming that "if the descriptions on the menu are good, they actually taste better." I was bought over. Such generousity in the serving portions and attitude is a must in the F&B sector. Good stuff, cannot bluff!

Can anyone here identify with the generousity of God that's mentioned in the menu called bible? I was reminded that He is able to do exceedingly beyond our imagination - Eph 3:20.
I think it's time to dream big and ask big from our Big God. I seriously don't think He is giam siab. No way.

One thing i'm asking for, that is to make me believe. Truly believe not just with my cognitive knowledge but with my entire being just as how the Generals did it years ago.

If they did it, we can do it too. If 1 can send a thousand to flight...and 2 can send a legion fleeing...then what would happen if we have 1 generation of youths doing likewise?

I'm asking with expectancy.

Into the wee hours of the day

I shall try this. Keeping records of my thoughts and rambling in a location where all can view with readily available access to the internet.

Let me set some rules for myself:

1. Thou shall not tell the world about what I did from the moment I woke up, 'til the time I sleep.
2. Thou shall not talk about petty issue and what this or that person did to me and how unhappy I am.
3. However, I shall input my posts with constructive thoughts and properly thought through comments.
4. I shall key in and record how I have been led in every step into my purpose here, on terra.

yayy! So here goes, my first post.

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