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Patience. So I'll wait for the sweet aromaaaa

Friday, July 23, 2010

Live the dream, fly the flag?

I have been seeing this picture at the MRT Station for a couple of weeks with some random advertisements flashed on TV. Yup, in conjunction with YOG. For the uninformed, uninitiated and uninterested fellow citizens, it's not yoga due to a spelling error - it's the Youth Olympics Games and perhaps the theme of NDP 2010.

For a brief moment, it got me very excited because the word 'Dreams' stirs in my heart a picture of the possible future. It reminds me the various personal dreams written by thousands of students. Dreams both big and small, simple and extraordinary, and even the ones never heard of.

I am happy for this girl on the poster whose dream is to travel around the world. I wish I can help, just to see the smile on you when you reach your dreams.

This Normal Technical stream girl once shared that she wants to be a Paramedic. The scenes of tsunami hitting the lands and multiple quakes brought her to that conclusion. She excitedly came up to me and proudly showed both her academic and career charts. "Coach! I would like to get into nursing, then join SJAB. One day, I'll be a paramedic!" I smiled at her. 2 months later, with tears streaming down her cheeks and standing before the class, she said: "My mom told me I'm clumsy, plump and cannot become a paramedic..." I was at a loss for words. "Hey, if being a paramedic is what you want, then go for it."

She studied hard. Today, she's in nursing. :)

So far, so good.

"What is it about Singapore that has given you opportunities to live your dreams?" - log on to a specially designed website and log your comments!

Wow. No, not really.

Honestly, better late than never. For years, we laboured because we need to not so much as we want to. Short of remuneration and corporate climbing, up to 65% of the overcrowding population here are dissatisfied. *coughs*

Someone finally stepped up and convinced some other high ranking personnel that this is the way to go. I'm secretly hoping that this is not done just because YOG is held in Singapore this year - I can't imagine the amount of damage if that's the case. (Ask me abt it!! I don't subscribe to AK47's pedagogy - yuck)

A Dream holds us to the future.
It propels you.
It gives you a direction.
It pushes you into action.
It gives a reason to daily living.

What about you? Wherever you are, if it doesn't provide you with a platform to reach your dreams (any further), it's time to move.

Ah, lunch hour is over. Back to work..


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