Coffee bean + boiling water = sweet aroma

Patience. So I'll wait for the sweet aromaaaa

Sunday, August 27, 2006

White Tulip

Can't help but awe in God.

For those who saw me in crutches, I am crutches no more. I am healed overnight. I approached the prayer meeting on Friday with little faith, if there's any to begin with. I had this sticky mindset about having the injury heal naturally by itself and that God will eventually heal me. Well, the latter is definitely true. But God has proven me wrong yet again. He desires to show me His healing power and at the same time stretch this almost atom-size or smaller faith which I have. It was as though I felt faith grow that night.

There's power in corporate prayer.

After prayer, I felt the ability to wriggle all my toes. On top of that, I felt the bone being restructured. It was as though the process took place while my mind was still trying to register God's healing upon my life, upon this tiny toe of mine. There was surely an alignment of the various ligaments, bone structures and etc etc that was at the left feet. If I could best describe the feeling, it felt as if someone was massaging the already swollened feet.

The swelling went down. The pain subsided. The toes now looked normal sized to me. Faith grew. Strength also grew. And I grew another step closer to trusting God for greater things.

The following day was sports shoes for me. And finally, a proper attire for enrolment service on Sunday. Oh, such grace and mercy was seen. Never felt better. What can I do but praise You? What can I do but thank You?

"Ms. Lim Lan" was shocked. But hey, that which is supernatural to us, is nothing but God's nature. Healing IS His business. I am His creation afterall. He surely knows how to fix me up.

If only more were present that Friday evening.


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