Coffee bean + boiling water = sweet aroma

Patience. So I'll wait for the sweet aromaaaa

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Into the wee hours of the day

I shall try this. Keeping records of my thoughts and rambling in a location where all can view with readily available access to the internet.

Let me set some rules for myself:

1. Thou shall not tell the world about what I did from the moment I woke up, 'til the time I sleep.
2. Thou shall not talk about petty issue and what this or that person did to me and how unhappy I am.
3. However, I shall input my posts with constructive thoughts and properly thought through comments.
4. I shall key in and record how I have been led in every step into my purpose here, on terra.

yayy! So here goes, my first post.


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