Coffee bean + boiling water = sweet aroma

Patience. So I'll wait for the sweet aromaaaa

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Kiasu, Giam siab vs Generousity

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How many signs you want? So generous leh...Why not make it $5,000. Scare those who are not afraid.

Now take a look at the next picture:
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We're talking about cheese wrapped around the 150grams worth of beef patty.
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It'll probably take a 10km run over 3 days to burn that off.
I was having lunch with the badminton gang. This picture was taken over lunch and it was a whopping $6.50 containing 150grams of juicy beef patty from Australia, bread from Japan and french fries (w bbq toppings) that don't seem to cost any money to Botak Jones.I tried the Botak Burger. Those present at lunch could see me smiling from from cheek to cheek. It really filled the already big stomach.

Talk about kiasu, kiasi, giam siab. We wondered why this shop is doing so well along AMK Ave 5. It's not prominently located. It's merely a store you find in a coffee shop. Should I have been daring enough to capture a couple more shots, I can show you that every other table ordered from Botak Jones; and the other stores such as the "1Ton mee", "Ba Chor Mee", "Tse Char store" and "Prata store" are crying out to sell their noodles.
They have a banner which I found really amusing and that caught my attention while I was 30m away in the carpark. It says: "Dam* good food at a Dam* good price!" At the back of their t-shirts it goes: "Dam* good!"
(some letters were omitted to maintain the clean language used in this blog.)
A very good marketing move and excellant customer service with a smile on their faces.
IF that's not enough, while taking orders, Ms 'X' was very confident of their food claiming that "if the descriptions on the menu are good, they actually taste better." I was bought over. Such generousity in the serving portions and attitude is a must in the F&B sector. Good stuff, cannot bluff!

Can anyone here identify with the generousity of God that's mentioned in the menu called bible? I was reminded that He is able to do exceedingly beyond our imagination - Eph 3:20.
I think it's time to dream big and ask big from our Big God. I seriously don't think He is giam siab. No way.

One thing i'm asking for, that is to make me believe. Truly believe not just with my cognitive knowledge but with my entire being just as how the Generals did it years ago.

If they did it, we can do it too. If 1 can send a thousand to flight...and 2 can send a legion fleeing...then what would happen if we have 1 generation of youths doing likewise?

I'm asking with expectancy.


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