Coffee bean + boiling water = sweet aroma

Patience. So I'll wait for the sweet aromaaaa

Friday, January 02, 2009

At long last

Finally, I have gotten down to getting a pen for myself.

The first 'Cross' pen was an accidental purchase after not being able to fix, in the words of the lady, 'an almost failing pen'. She refused to accept the new pen because she already got her husband another one. So the little boy told me, "Just keep for yourself to use's ok, my dad's won't mind..."

The story of that pen ended after training at loyang. It was short lived. Barely a year. It was never to be found... It's legacy went on until the appearance of the new Lamy. Well, I did ponder over the various types of pens to purchase as this colleague of mine would say, "You want to buy pen, buy those with seh...otherwise, don't buy." So... to me, this Lamy has enough seh that I can carry. So period.

I must admit I have been eyeing this for sometime saved for the fact that the mola has been really tight. Since 09Q1 has since kicked in, I figured I really do need a better one than the Stabilo I'm currently using for all the doodlings. I mean, those little ones are great! But not nice when the teacher in charge needs to sign on the dotted line.

I can still vividly remember the most embarrassed moment I had in Cat. High when the TIC, "Oh, I can sign it for you now! (with a smile..)" I hesitated for a while before drawing out the little black stabilo pen. GOSH, I had to pretend as though that was the fashion statement for pens.

And so, I present to you, the Lamy of choice:


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