Coffee bean + boiling water = sweet aroma

Patience. So I'll wait for the sweet aromaaaa

Monday, March 16, 2009

Eternity revealed through means of serendipity

Here tells the tale of 2 men who might sound too familiar to those already working and almost similar to those studying. And so, off they went into the wild wild working world. As traditions of old would have determined much of what a young man should do, they followed closely to what their parents deemed to be good. An Engineer, Doctor, Lawyer, Accountant, anything white-collared so as to bring home bread, butter and perhaps jam.
Therein lies the secret in the vast wealth and all that contributed to the richness of various cemetaries across the world:
And so Andreas went on to fulfill the dreams of his parents: being a Doctor. Sent overseas, with sufficient amount of spending power coupled with a good webcam for contact sake. He has always wanted to sneak into the computer labs of his engineering peers but never quite had the chance since he had plenty to read and accomplish. First year came, and went. A tiny voice in him said he might not like it in the long run. He wrote home one day, sharing what he felt. There was not much response, except to pursue the degree set out for him. The second year came, and went too. Once more, that tiny voice became increasingly loud. Once more, he wrote home and this time, stating the wish to discontinue the pursuit of something he might not like as a career. The reply was obvious. Unknowningly, he spent 6 years pursuing that piece of paper, the certificate, the doctorate. He smiled as he paraded across the podium, extending his hands to receive the firm and warm handshake from the Dean. He did well. His parents were all smiles as he finally stepped home.
He held the nicely framed, more than 160gsm, piece of paper and left it on the dining table, stating congratulations to his parents. They have gotten their desired certificate. With that, he walked out, only to return a year later with what he has always wanted - Degree in IT Engineering. Today, he is known as Dr. Engineer. What a joke, at least he is smiling now.
Dominique has always been carefree, happy-go-lucky. Seemingly joyful and perpetually having a smile on his face. And happy he was! He was not spared from the longstanding tradition of the chinese family but he tried his best with whatever he could, he did for the good of those he loved. Having such a disposition, he does not enjoy changes nor take pleasure in undue pressure. He always believed in doing what he is good at and enjoy most. And so he did. Alas, came the time where he realised that the reason that compelled him into his daily activities can no longer be fulfilled and there is a need to move on, step out and step up. It seemed like the very reason that got him going fr the start, was the same reason that got him moving on too. He later went to pursue the various aspects of what he really wants to do.
Ahh..the vast richness of the cemetary. Where one and all lay buried with their dreams and goals. And beneath those wooded rectangles, could have been our next preacher, evangelist, doctor, lawyer, scientist, role model parent and more. How much longer would one delay before looking back in regret.
If you really want to find out, you will actively seek out the truth and see what you're made up of. Thereafter, you will know what you are made for. A hammer cannot be used to fix a punctured ball. Neither can an air-pump be used to drive a nail into the wall. Sometimes, the process of searching can be tedious, discouraging and might not make sense at all; or so they say.
- If you want to improve, be content to be thought foolish and stupid


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