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Patience. So I'll wait for the sweet aromaaaa

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

softskills vs hardskills

Your employability depends on your hardskills and what you can offer to the workforce. In order to make it for a vocation, there is a need to display a specialization in the form of unique skills so as to establish your credibility. Even softskills become a form of hardskills in the face of specialization and what you have to offer.

Rethink what you're currently studying and identify the reason behind that. If you're unable to put a finger to that, then it's time to ask yourself what you really want to do in the future, possibly as a career. Too early to set mind to it? Not really. Never too early to start. Enjoy life first? Sure, suffer later.
In light of the writings, it is also needful to think, feel and see where you're being led to do in your everyday life. What is your purpose in this place and why are certain strengths and giftings given you? I have this suspicion that there is a remote possibility of the gifts being removed if you don't use them.
So what are the God-given hardskills given to you that you might start using them, for Him?


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