Coffee bean + boiling water = sweet aroma

Patience. So I'll wait for the sweet aromaaaa

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Practical Gifts

A thought came across my mind.

Why did the skeleton want to cross the road?

Answer: Because it wants to go to the Body shop! (Lame... get it? It's broken and needs parts for the body.)

Yet why did it not cross in the end?

Answer: Because it has no guts. Period. (Get it? Skeletons have no guts.)

Apologies for the random ranting of such lame jokes.

Anyway, here's a practical gift for those who cannot take ice cream or are simply too sensitive.

Multi purpose.

For those with overly sensitive parts

Litmus papers. To test the level of acidity. If it's too much, just avoid it.

Maybe I should get one for myself. And share it with you. :)


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