Coffee bean + boiling water = sweet aroma

Patience. So I'll wait for the sweet aromaaaa

Sunday, June 08, 2008

what a joke

The grass is greener on the other side huh? :)

The sad fact about humans, notwithstanding all forms of justifications and arguments, is that we are just not contented. Rather, we don't see what we need more than what we want. Therefore, what happens is a juxtaposition of two somewhat very differing objectives that eventually would not turn out well. It's like mixing durian and mushrooms and thereafter, getting me to eat it. I think I'll fix you first. hahaha...

But really, I can quit my job and say hey! this job isn't meeting my needs! I should go over that company where they can provide me with more, or rather, what I think I need. With all honesty, similar thoughts have crossed my mind so often. I began to examine myself from within. Who am I to justify those needs. And who am I to claim my worth. IF I have been given a job, I know deep within me, that I'm enjoying, then why am I still banging my head?

Had supper (AGAIN!) and some words were still lingering in my mind. To explain it in the same fashion, it would go something like...

50 yr old man: "Oh, I changed job a few times. Once, when I realised that I had no interests in it. The second time was because I needed to take care of the family, and time was precious. The last time was when I finally retired."

26 yr old man: "Oh, I changed job a few times too. I just wasn't satisfied. They can't meet my needs."

Someone's bound to get angry while reading this. In the same tone as Pastor Lau T.S (with his eyebrows bobbing up and down), I say "too badddddd.....".

That's the truth and forgive me for being so straightforward and perhaps, in a way, just too blunt and not tactful enough. I honestly don't know how nicely I can put it across.

And so, I will stick to my job. I will fixate my eyes on the very reason why I took on this job right at the start. I have the interests, I have my desires, I have my goals and I'm fighting it out. I mean, we are never alone. What we do, affects others. What we say, worse if it's unsound let alone wrong, will in turn influence others.

My friends, there really is no turning back. In whatever condition the journey has been thus far, whether you fell or stumbled, the best we can do is get up and start running again.


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