Coffee bean + boiling water = sweet aroma

Patience. So I'll wait for the sweet aromaaaa

Sunday, June 01, 2008

Broken down lift

All the lifts in this place broke down.

I was greeted with an unpleasant surprise when my tired feet met the lobby of the block. Both lifts were down, so were the others in this place.

"We are managing it...", said the security guard. (right...)

I ended having to climb and conquer the flight of stairs.

By some incredible feat, I managed to reach the 4th level.

At the 5th level, I relied on the railings.

At the 6th level, I was panting and I felt giddy. (Excuse: Maybe I was very tired...)

At the 7th level, it was endurance thereafter.

I thought I would never make it and have my first attempt in sleeping on steps, just a few stories from the little box I live it.

I really need some REAL exercise. Let me start by further utilizing the muscles at my jaws.

Supper anyone?


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