Coffee bean + boiling water = sweet aroma

Patience. So I'll wait for the sweet aromaaaa

Friday, June 06, 2008

yeah, got going

Oh yeah! I finally took the lil' machine for a spin... on wet roads.

I must admit it was a dangerous act and not something I want to try again without first familiarizing myself with the overall setup. Yet I must also confess that the pick up was fast, cruising was even more fun!

What can beat a good old cycling session with an all time cycling buddy, what more a fellow Cann. Ha, so much for a 'ferrari' that can't start up because he had problems with the cleats versus a toyota that sped off immediately. It's ok, cut me some slack alright?

Not back, made it to Sembawang Park and back alive. Next time, I really need the lights. Ain't no crossing the silly stretch from YCK to Khatib EVER without lights on. Courting death.

Ah... Mr. Ang complained... "Huh, want to go already ah...but we haven't really talked...all you said were the 5 blue marbles and the stupid 'Great white Monkey'" And so we went back to the marble seats beside the dirty debris infested beach.

It's high time to get some breathing going. For the first time in many months, I was panting for more than 5minutes. That got to feel good :) And sure it did!

Ok now, I know a car sounds more feasible but there's always this cycle and eat festival going all year round. So why not just cycle...and eat? Or...just eat! muahaha, I'm quite a foodie.
Disclaimer: Only for food that I eat. No pork, mushroom, durian or whatever potent combination you can think of. "I'll kil' you!"

Argh, finally overcame the fear of re-stringing a guitar. The first time round, the string snapped!!! ARgh...argh because that was an expensive set. So I settled for some clangy affordable strings. ROAR.

Time to sleep.



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