Coffee bean + boiling water = sweet aroma

Patience. So I'll wait for the sweet aromaaaa

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Garlic Naan Set

Finally, food.

I have had the privilege of tasting Godiva's 72% dark chocs but was just too lazy to snap the finely produced chocs. Gosh, I must say it tasted good and has all the potential to destroy a trainer's throat for a good 2 days. Ah... shiok. I will be back for more.
Sure feels good to be walking around the tourist attraction site. People were seen rushing around for the Great Singapore Sale (GSS). I, too, gave in and joined them except that I knew what I wanted to buy. Sungei Road was another hot spot. Hot with all its definition due to the humidity in Singapore of late. I must salute the hot air that gushes into my face every now and then... So much for wind.

And yessss! Some not too bad food this afternoon for lunch, we did it over a stop by at Little India once more. Shop's name? Nah, doesn't require much of an advertisement here because their prices did not include GST. GrRr... if not for the yummilicious Garlic Naan, the pictures surely wouldn't be up.
So here we go. Whet whet whet


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