Coffee bean + boiling water = sweet aroma

Patience. So I'll wait for the sweet aromaaaa

Thursday, July 30, 2009


It has been an awesome 7 months into the year 2009. Thus far, I can only say that time flew the quickest during the first quarter. Time passed twice the speed on days that I'm on leave. Time flew the fastest when I'm on vacation. Well done, *clap clap on the speed of time.

Truth is: Time never once expired any quicker for anyone. I only know time stood still for a day and that was years back where you have not existed in bodily form.

We view time differently. No wonder we manage time in such diverse manners and resulting in either good or poor time management. As we grow, we either become someone more effective or just one who can't seem to juggle things well because of poor time management - I attribute that to the lack of discipline. In short, placing too much food on your plate during a buffet.

Extrapolating that tendency, I have come to terms about the way we view things. I am not coming from a talkalotreadalotandtalkandreadalot type of perspective. So don't push the envelope by talking like some of those machines during my days of lectures in the seminar room. Ahhh.. I'm going to feel so much better after writing this. And will likely ignore unconstructive comments in the tagboard. OH YEAH and Woohoo!

I met stubborn-I-know-it-all monsters who have been in the service for years. Their lack of conceptual understanding is appalling notwithstanding the fact that all have graduated from the ever desired centre of excellence where brains are supposedly nurtured to teach less and learn more. The persistent display of ignorance and the mere intrusive and ranting of ideas without the slightest consideration of relevance -

Not everyone sees the egg in its totality. Some see the egg white, some see the egg yolk. Some only see the shell.

To write this, I have come to terms with what I just saw happened. I meet such people on a daily basis too. Don't be hurt, come on. Open rebuke is better than hidden love. If you have contention with that, go settle it with Him... He wrote that.

I must learn how to handle such 'rawr' without exploding. personality is surfacing.
I need to sleep.
I must remember to smile, tomorrow. =]


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