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Thursday, June 18, 2009

Ammunition for your SS - Chapter 2

From Education

Go read up Straits Times 17th June 2009, Wednesday, and you'll pleasantly find a couple of articles you really want to digest completely.

A couple of very useful content not found in your textbook but are worth points to push you from a B3 to an A2, or an A2 to an A1.

1. Singapore population stands at 4.84million, up 5.5% from 2008

2. Singapore's Total Fertility Rate is only at 1.28 in 2008 compared to the targeted replacement level of 2.1. Are we waiting for another 'Year of the Dragon' before the figure jumps?

3. Ageing population in Singapore increase to 8.7% in 2008. Ten years back, it was 6.8%. Do your maths, it means that we're suffering the effect of the Baby Boom years in 1950s-1960s.

4. Talk about Globalisation. More foreigners coming over to Singapore is a Double edged sword.

SS is a subject to challenge your critical thinking. Use these content for your grades!

All the best people. =]


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