Coffee bean + boiling water = sweet aroma

Patience. So I'll wait for the sweet aromaaaa

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Think of the times where you need to make a choice. For example, I need to choose between blowing the nose (now, or taste the fluid at my lips within the next 2 seconds).

Let's go back to the days of old, where we're all slightly younger. Say, the times when we need to choose the bags we carry and the shoes we wear. Way back during MY time, wearing converse or 'US Master' would mean you're cool, happs and hip even if your dress sense was bad. So long as you're wearing that pair of shoes, you're in. 'Eastpak' and 'Outdoor' were the two most sort after bags then. Couple that with tightening the straps, you're even more 'there'.

We later fought to have the longest and softest hair in the entire seconary 4 cohort. The fight later died when the discipline master caught up with us. Soon after, due to situations and unforeseen circumstances, we fought for friends, when we later realised how important they are. We chose to stick together, thereafter.

We got angry, petty, frustrated and threw tantrums. Some chose to forgive, some did not.

As we grow older, and enter the army, some choices have already been made for you. The moment you signed on the doted line, your career path have been carefully, intricately paved out at least for the next 10 years. Some fought for a bunk in OCS, I didn't. i got dragged in. And boy it was good.

This girl got bullied by some jerk in some bukit timah road school. Choices.

This other boy got angry with me, bitter and refused to accept my apology, twice. Choices.

I chose to be a trainer. To date, that still proves to be a decent choice. It brought me step closer, to realise and discover some of the strengths, gifts and desire. At current, decisions still lay bare before me, in a platter, in an array of patterns, as thought enticing me to quicken my move. Think about it: you turn down an offer. You then turn down another. What's that supposed to imply man?! Choices.

Another door ahead of me. Should I open it?


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