Coffee bean + boiling water = sweet aroma

Patience. So I'll wait for the sweet aromaaaa

Friday, May 09, 2008


Just look at these geese. They are soaring above the clouds, who knows, maybe rain clouds. While the little fat pigeons flee for shelter, only the selected few who stick together would soar above.

I was reading up on these creatures and the manner they take flight, in a 'V' shape. I wondered, how on earth did these geese learn to fly that way. And it is unique to them. I don't remember seeing pigeons, sparrows, let alone crows, flying together in such a fashion.

It then dawn upon me that there is a reason, a purpose for sticking together like that. As I read further, I'm amazed.

  1. Every flap of the wing creates an "uplift" for another goose behind it. Each time a goose fly out of the formation, it will feel the drag and immediately get back into formation. (Cool huh?)
  2. They can travel up to 72% further in distance compared to flying alone. (Life group)
  3. The one flying in front will break / cut the wind (not fart), and lead the way. Should it grow weary or physically tired, it will drop behind & another goose will take over. They take turn to brave the piercing velocity of the wind.
  4. And in case you wonder why they do "HONK!", it's not because of the traffic jam in the airspace. Rather, it serves as a form of encouragement to keep up the speed!
  5. If a hunter with the right weapon, by sheer accuracy or luck hits one of them, another 2 will break formation and accompany the injured until it fully recovers and is ready for flight once more. Else, they will stay until it is dead before they join the next group of tourist.

I think I want to stay this way. It makes perfect sense for me to stick together and fly together. And fly in the right direction. I think that's more important to have a right leader rather than join the eagles when I'm not one.

I see many geese breaking formation, but they're not injured. I think they don't feel the drag. Maybe they simply follow what others do. I don't know.


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