Coffee bean + boiling water = sweet aroma

Patience. So I'll wait for the sweet aromaaaa

Wednesday, April 02, 2008


The first quarter of 2008 has slipped past just like that.

In a quick twinkle of an eye.

Close to 250hrs of training for the last 3 months.

Almost 3000 students.

And lots of blessings, both physically & material. Never seen the bank account like this before. For a moment I thought someone owed me money and just returned in full. And that's not all, there's another portion coming up. Having said that, I realised I can now afford a decent camera lens & a decent bicycle frame (with very decent components to go with), both first hand. And I would still have excess amount left over. I see the returns of pledging.
The amount given, in retrospect, was rather staggering. I guess that's what they call a Faith Pledge. I did not go hungry. When I was thirsty, I could afford a drink. When I needed clothes, I had enough to wear. When I had to spend, I could. All with a small amount to play with. And now, He is simply honouring the simple contract of showing me the fact that I can't out-give Him.
I'm not here to brag or show off. Neither is this an opportunity to ask me for a treat, as is the practice of some friends I have. They are really good at this because I often do it in front of them. Anyway, it's just a platform for me to show off God's goodness. YEA!

This is what I call my cup is being run over, overflowing. Yes, in the form of material. In the form of financial liberty. In the form of joy, satisfaction and a peace of mind.

I'm grateful for a Team that works together, prays together and labour together.

I'm grateful for the steep learning curve.

I'm grateful for the strength in both the body and the mind.

I'm grateful for a life partner who keeps me in prayers each day.

I'm grateful for fellow brothers who are working and shares the same understanding for one another. One who does not hold back necessary comments that I need to hear.

I'm grateful for the rest I have received.

I'm grateful for the rest I am about to receive.

Having said all that, I'm headed to Batam from Friday through to Sunday noon. I'm not going for a diving trip. Neither am I going for any rock wall climbing expedition. I'm going for my Team retreat and will be enjoying all that they have to offer! Spas...massages which I really want to have...Food...and simply time with the Team, without work! Needful rest without undue work and pressure.

I will be missing LG this friday. I will be missing BB this Saturday. I will be missing Enrolment Service this Sunday. I will also be missing Jac's sharing, of which I have already heard though. But I will be rested. I decided I should not do things for the sake of doing so and at the expense of not being well rested. And so, the race goes on. I'll be taking my pit stop this weekend.

Don't call me on my mobile unless it's life and death matters.


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