Coffee bean + boiling water = sweet aroma

Patience. So I'll wait for the sweet aromaaaa

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Fear is only as deep as the mind allows

Fear. What is fear?

Fear is stepping stone towards success. I vividly recall how much the tiny fear dwelled within me just 5 days before. The thought of re-reading the email from a client almost caused me to freeze. The thought of criticism and sudden truth of inadequacy gripped me by the throat and I almost wanted to take flight. It would have been easy to take a turn and shrink from the face of challenge. Yet I knew I had to fight it. The fear of fighting criticism. It wasn't so much about the fear of man or how people would perceive me. Rather, it's me. Come on, various personalities each have their own area of weaknesses. Should I tell the student to overcome fears in their lives, I have to do the same. That's integrity.

Today marks the turning point. God honoured me in prayers. The same lady who commented on my questionable command of language, then, also commented on how pleased she was with the session. Oh, how I felt like dancing. How I felt like singing! I couldn't contain it but share with the Team over lunch and it brought them smiles too!

I faced 103 over the last 3 days. 25.5hrs of standing. 25.5hrs of altering mindsets. I must give all credit to Him who sustained me. I must admit I was tired on Day 2, lunch. I knocked out at a good 10.30pm. I slept past the usual waking time. Good thing I don't reside far away from the venue.
Oh, I am excited! I felt like I preached. Boy the feeling was great.
I will get there.


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