Coffee bean + boiling water = sweet aroma

Patience. So I'll wait for the sweet aromaaaa

Sunday, May 04, 2008


A good trip. Not too bad making new friends and rubbing knuckles with those you're slightly more familiar with.

A sudden thought strucked me. It became clearer to me that I'm working and no longer studying in an institution. I got to manage time, activities and people. Not having the liberty to walk out of the office and go for a hot Mr. Tea's ginger tea does not make me any more deprived of freedom. Rather, it only goes to show that there are certain things I no longer do as an adult. HAving said that, it also denotes the fact that there are certain things an adult might do, which would still trigger the irritation mode of others who would otherwise be at peace with you.
It gets clearer always. A Chinese saying goes: "when the boat reaches to the bridge, it will go straight.." That was a poor attempt in direct translation but nonetheless, it gets the point across. So, take heart! And keep growing.

It really doesn't matter if you're a short tree beside one that's tall. So long as you keep growing, that's what that matters.

So grow up.


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