Coffee bean + boiling water = sweet aroma

Patience. So I'll wait for the sweet aromaaaa

Saturday, April 19, 2008


The first quarter's over. I thought I could take a break. I was wrong. I'm into the 3rd week of April and May does look bleak from the way it appears. Scary could be the word.

The above were words of a man weak in his mind. Psychologically weak. When the mind has made a decision, half the outcome of the battle has also been determined. I'm resolved to fight it out. I can't take flight.

Who says it's going to be easy anyway?

It's in making an active choice to take a step forward given the knowledge of an exciting journey ahead.

And so, I will face my fears. Yes, I do not speak fluently. Neither do I throw the most witty and tickling jokes. But I will allow Him to work through me. I will hold onto my passion and let it burn. I will fight and I will overcome. I must. Or it will all come back to me one day.

See, my heart. I will not allow fears to overwhelm me. Gambette!

I am well rested. I will continue to rest in my labour.


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