Coffee bean + boiling water = sweet aroma

Patience. So I'll wait for the sweet aromaaaa

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Focus on your eye

Nope, not talking about the Focus eyedrop. Not conducting a focus group either. I'm talking about your focus.

What is your 'focus'? Rather, what is your direction in which you're headed towards? It can be further broken down to defining your goals, purposes and even passion.

After a short conversation with a friend this afternoon, I paused and thought to myself about the words that were spoken over the phone, not by me. I was in a state of shock, perhaps disbelief. Then again, I saw it coming. I couldn't have prevented it despite the words of caution said.

"I need to ask myself why I'm still doing this...". The only answer, or rather, advice, that I can offer is to get yourself to question and recall why you started in the first place. If it was for money, then your absence is most appreciated. However, if it was about having a passion for the activity and desire to be part of the process of changing lives, then you ought to see what led your eyes off focus and get to the root of it. I am still appalled by that 3 minutes conversation.

Oh, may I always remember my focus and purpose. May I remind myself daily lest I forget and qualify myself out of the race.


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