Coffee bean + boiling water = sweet aroma

Patience. So I'll wait for the sweet aromaaaa

Thursday, December 06, 2007

Heading home soon

Yeah, today's training was great. The Pri 2 kids appreciated our trainings and were very grateful in many ways. Short and cute as they might be, they understood what it meant to appreciate and thank others. Their short and little actions literally made my heart melt. Imagine with me, little kids with heights to probably your waist, tugging your shirt to show you their drawings.

Here are some of them:

(And one of my colleagues called me a pidowfile, goodness...)

I hope something has been sown into their hearts. So that as they grow, they too would carry values that reflect more than just wealth. Everyone of them has the potential to do well in the future. It's like a little shoot. Build it up strong while it's young, it will take root and grow with all needed firmness.

The thing that changed my mind about them was when they appreciated what was delivered during the session. They understood and saw both the relevance along with the importance of the content. That made me glad. David too.

Dinner at Noodles cafe and we didn't really try their noodles!!!

Here's the donuts fiesta back in the hotel room. $54,000rp for 1 dozen. They said I have a sweet tooth.

Donuts from J-Co. Less sweet than Krispy Kreme. Not too bad, I chose the glazed one followed by the All American Favourites (Oreos)...

Right, it's time to rest. Tomorrow? Teachers' training.

I'm excited :)

This training has changed my perspectives much.

Am glad to have been here in Jakarta.


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