Coffee bean + boiling water = sweet aroma

Patience. So I'll wait for the sweet aromaaaa

Tuesday, December 04, 2007


I can safely call this responsibility.
At her tender age, she already sees the immediate call to meet the needs of the little one. Perhaps it's clothes, maybe it's food. But let's get closer and you will notice it's love. Take away both clothes and food, at least there's still love. Take away love, and you will find that clothes and food no longer matter.
You can argue that out. But we're humans, and we're all made to feel. So love while you may.
For those who can't wait to get hitched, don't get the wrong idea. I'm not steering in your direction. I'm talking to people who shun the responsibility of loving those they need to love.
Sometimes, it has to begin by taking ownership and having a vested interest. Hey, that's how all relationships start.
Some food for thought.
Am leaving for Jakarta early morn, catch you all on sat. morn. :)


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