Coffee bean + boiling water = sweet aroma

Patience. So I'll wait for the sweet aromaaaa

Thursday, September 06, 2007

Got stab?

What a shock! And yes, I happened to read this article over lunch... how apt. I gave a quick comment about how news nowadays are often bad or sad. There ain't any good news.
It's not because SPH has nothing better to print or the reporters ran out of stories. But hey, you know what? That's because there's only 1 good news.
This piece of good news also involved stabbing. But at a much worse stage. Stabbed and whipped. Stabbed at places where it hurts the most. His hands and feets are pierced. And having being pierced, he was hung suspended, held on by only the nails which went through his skin.
This good news is to be shared with all. The good news of Jesus Christ. If there's any news to share, then this should be it. :)
Verse of the week: "The lips of the righteous feeds many..." Proverbs 10:21


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