Coffee bean + boiling water = sweet aroma

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Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Chocs on the Go!

The subsequence posts will be on Chocs.

Just for the record, Dark Chocs are my fav! Since the discovery of palates for dark chocs, I began experimenting various brands of chocs, of which, all have differing standards and strengths of its own. This time round, a white plastic bag laying innocently on the dining table caught my attention as I carried it from the car all the way to the dining hall on the 10th floor.

In it, contained treasures of various kinds. From nuts, to bitter chocs. According to "Snapper's fun facts", a person's eyes enlarge by abt 45% when he sees something of pleasure. Well, my eyes almost glittered with much surprise and joy when I saw the boxes laying flat in it. Without further delay, the masterhand reached in for the nicely packed black box. Ah ha! Here we go...

Kizami Cacao, 63%, is a real and rich tasting bitter chocolate!
(the rest are in jap and I can't read a single bit of it)

Morinaga is pumping in lots of effort to broaden and, of course, retain as much of their customer base as possible by introducing chocs like this one you see here. Well, I fall into their category.

Here's one for your reference:

I shall keep the interior as a suspense until you finally discover it for yourself at the supermarts.

Clue: the pricetag tells me that my mom got it from Takashimaya at an affordable price (of course, anything beyond my means would be above budget... I'm still a budget student afterall.) For all that packaging and content which you will receive, it's worth it! yummy, late into the night and that's what that perks me up. I couldn't much resist it but to have this post quickly loaded.

This one tasted rather different. The nuts are subtle albeit its presence is not lacking as you chew on the cacao filled chocs. It melts pretty quickly in your mouth and before you know it, it's gone. So savour it!

Well of course, my favourite is still the Godiva dark chocs which gives me an overnight invitation to ulcers with all the cacao and pure flavoured bitter chocs. I once had 1 box to myself... after that, I had 4 ulcers for myself too. Man, weight the costs! For me, I'll choose the chocs. Muahaha..

For those who have yet to try the one being mentioned... Happy searching!

For cacao!


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