Coffee bean + boiling water = sweet aroma

Patience. So I'll wait for the sweet aromaaaa

Saturday, April 07, 2007

Back to TCC and back for MORE!

Alright, I can't resist but to take pictures of this dish. Before any words can describe it, let's take a good look at the savoury yummy dish!

Simply put, it's an item that consists of Tofu (pretty much chinese), Cheese (american) and Beef (done in a japanese style). Priced at something fairly affordable, slightly below the red note.
Place: TCC, SMU.
A closer look:
Here we go, topped with sesame seeds.
Had the opportunity to catch up with friends, DIG into their lives over the last few days and, albeit the shortness of time and tiredness of the body, information was quickly shared across a few conversations and of course, over food. The rainy weather made me almost immobile as I struggled to keep warm in the chilly library, often overcrowded with exchange students and a few inconsiderate yannebudanas. The Al fresco of TCC wasn't much better each time the cold wind blew. Sharing of lame jokes was like some kind of ice breaker. I saw them in my days when I was much younger. As though the world's going to continue spinning for me and nobody's ever going to stop me or deprive me from all the satisfaction that I shall derive from entertaining the flesh, with or without due innocence...
It's during such times that the journal comes in so handy and often, become a reflection in the mirror of our lives. I can't help but have thoughts running through my mind about how I have led this life thus far. Will I continue to look back with much regrets or am I going to give my utmost for the King?
I felt cornered, and then, all of a sudden, it seems, as though I was locked up in the cupboard and was briefly confronted with the truth. There was no running away and I knew I had to hear it from Him. How long more would He have to endure with this stiff necked generation? I am not spared from that category and I knew, I have to give my best in this race. There is no discounting or 'pay by instalments' of any sort, it was payment done up front. Jesus demonstrated that on the Cross. 1 time payment settles it all.
I have to give to my best all for the sake and glory of Him who rescued me and so deserves it.



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