Coffee bean + boiling water = sweet aroma

Patience. So I'll wait for the sweet aromaaaa

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Tribute to "Tiger Teng"

So much for a pair of court shoes for a die hard fan of Asics. It has been faithfully abiding to the size 9.5 fat foot over the last 3 years. It has been through the thick and thin, the wet and dry weather conditions and of course, the abusive use by the owner.

Should I break it down in terms of value, it has a depreciation rate of 33.3%/annum at approximately $2.06/month for 3 yrs...
Today, on the contrary, it is worth of High of $225/=. Due to its journey so far, the value has gone up tremendously! It's going @$225 for non-members, and @$10 for avid vintage item collectors! Grab it while stocks last!
*Disclaimer: This pair is unique, unlike the ones which Gh, Gw, Dt, AL and VL have in church.

The hours leading up to playing badminton in the evening was really exciting. The thought of reaching home early thrilled my mind. The sight of the sky still bright while I set foot into Castle Green soothes the overworked mind. Shiok* is the word. And so, I almost skipped my way to the badminton court after having put on the good old trustworthy "tiger" court shoes.
"Whoopiiii...!" First proper game in months... 8months? I felt the loose grip it gave me but still went onto the court like a yorkshire because of my excitement. Well, you can tell from my left knee and right elbow what this pair of shoes gave me =]

*Bung, ouch* was heard seconds after the shuttle came over to my side. Elgin was seen on the floor. I saw the shuttle fly straight at me, but tiger shoes just couldn't bring me there. Pain & paiseh-ed. End of story.

Gd bye tiger teng, 3 yrs were good. =] Rest well in the dustbin.

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