Coffee bean + boiling water = sweet aroma

Patience. So I'll wait for the sweet aromaaaa

Friday, March 30, 2007

Round 2 of Fried Fish Soup & TCC

This calls for a celebration.
For almost 2 years in the SMU City Campus, of which most of the time was spent doing projects and munching away at Pick & Bite, today marks the 1st time I stepped into TCC, nicely located at one corner just beneath the ever crowded library (all thanks to the yr 1s).
Desmond suggested TCC and I thought it might be good since I hv nv stepped in. For some reason, we decided to order some dishes despite the costs. And here goes another satisfied meal and a good conversation which preceeded soon after.
As you can see, lunch was a simple dish of salad & "Summer Fresh Salad" was it! Awesome, either we were really hungry or the salad simply tasted great. Value for money? I would think so.
Desmond had his "berry" item and we found out our common interest in berries. I almost wanted to find a job at TCC for a month just to learn how they tossed the salad to such fine quality.
Verdict: Affordable & definitely worth a try after a hard day's work at project and trying to vie for class participation.
Gambette TCC! One day, SMU students will spot you hiding at the obscure corner and start to patronize you, just like I did today after 2 years. =]

You can see his satisfied and happy face. And of course, the new cap. =] I must say it was an enjoyable 2 hrs in TCC. Comfy cushion seats and an environment quiet enough for anyone to catch up. Well, it might be simply due to the fact that no one really patronize it and thus, the enjoyable silence in it and not to mention the prices of other dishes. For a good drink and time of fun, yes. For a meal, no go. Shiok la.

30th March also marks the day of another convert to Fried Fish Soup. Here goes...

He is one of the accomplice. We could smell the soup even before our taste buds got close to it. If I could record down the words of G.Tan, you would be convinced of how much XO was being poured into the soup base. For $5, it was well spent. Well, but I must confess that it's too much for the tummy that's trying to shrink. IPPT is coming up real soon and something has to be done prior to the date. With all that chunks of fishes and soup, it is small wonder that reservists continue to get silver or merely a pass in their IPPT scoring.

To show you how much we enjoyed the meal... here's a peek into one of our bowls...

I have had fried fish soup over the past few days. Sunday, Monday, Thursday, Friday. I feel fishy about the whole though I'm going to meet a fish that will tell me about how they plan to take over the world and I'm supposed to assist since I have eaten so many of their comrades.
Gosh, first TCC, then came the all foodelicious fried fish soup. What a way to settle meals. If we were to chew upon God's Word, shouldn't we, too, treat it with such great expectations and praises like we would for physical food? A friend of mine spoke about craving for solid food. Taste and see that It is good. Chew upon it, take your time, savour all of it.
Food is good, Nourishing to the body. Spiritual food is even better, Nourishing for the soul.
Here's a special from the man who don't eat pork: That's 'siew mai' fyi..


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