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Saturday, October 21, 2006

for the pessimist

From a sister, to a brother. I believe it takes plenty of courage to write this...and to want it posted because she doesn't know how else the brother might come to know of her concerns.
Here's it...

"We are all blessed with gifts from God including faith, goodness, knowledge, self-control, patience, service, and kindness.
But most importantly, we are all blessed with abundant LOVE and the ability to love.
Love is an art-
Not to be learnt, but to be expressed."

"I thank God for blessing me with such a wonderful brother,
To fill my emptiness, and cover up all the loneliness.
You have showered me with all the love a brother could ever give,
And I could not ask for anything more.

No matter what you have done that may seem wrong,
I am grateful for the care and concern you have given so freely.
You have definitely not failed as a brother, and never will,
Because you have done more than I could ever ask for.

There is no one greater, smarter, funnier, more loving and caring,
Better than whom you already are.
I just want you to know that-
I would always love you the way you are.

Underneath your ever changing personality
And your frequent outbursts
Lies a caring brother
Ever so thoughtful and true

Beneath your mask of indifference
Inside the gloomy looking heart
Lies an amazing brother
All that I could ever ask for

Underneath the hurtful words
that sometimes hit me right in the heart
Lies a wonderful brother
Who is like no other

You see the world though different eyes,
Looking at things in a way, which many cannot comprehend.

You pull yourself further away each time I ask,
And hide all that matters to me in the dark.

You may not know it, or choose not to see it,
But it really pains me to see you like this.
There is one important thing I know
Which you may not seem to show
That there is a heart filled to the brim
Of everything precious to you right within

No one is ever perfect, but only made perfectly by God- That is who you are.

You may not understand all of the above,
But I just wanted to tell you how much I love you."

Your courage and sincerity is felt. I'm sure he'll get to read this.


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