Coffee bean + boiling water = sweet aroma

Patience. So I'll wait for the sweet aromaaaa

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

God honours those who honour Him - even in little things

I saw a futsol soccer ball priced at $19.90, after discount at Sports Link.. *Bling bling, eyes sparkled and my hands reached out to the unicard to foot the bill.

Excited over the first ball I have ever owned, I tried to 'Joga Bonito' in the tiny room of mine. Within 5 minutes, I broke a standing thermometer from aussie land. What's left, were the measurements. Alcohol filled half the table. Together with it, the glass of warm water spilled too. (ArhHhhhh....) My attention was on the precious thermometer since it's not available locally. But hey, the laptop was there too! The bottom of the laptop got wet, so did the K750i.

Almost immediately, I switched to *Panic* mode. Frantically trying to grab table cloths from the kitchen to soak up the water. I ran into the toilet, left the laptop there and made sure it's dry. But nope, it was wet inside. And it went BLANK on me!! The On/Off couldn't work either. (Heh, I started to think of which laptop I wanna buy the following week since I need it for school. IMac? HP? Or the Lenovo series? Then I realised that elgin's bank account is extremeeeeeeeeeely low now.) And I woke up from my idea.

After clearing up the was time for Q.T. Then I turned to the hp, and saw that it was also wet inside the case. I almost lost my breathe. The very first new phone I owned was about to say its goodbye to me too. The speakers couldn't work properly due to the water content in it.
*Just then, God spoke and told me to spend time w Him first. He will settle the laptop and the hp. And so I did. And went on to pray for the laptop and the phone. I seriously cannot afford to have them die on me now.
After an hour of reading, I remembered both the items. And I went to test them.

I couldn't help it but laugh, because I was overjoyed.

To me, it's a miracle. To God, it's normal and just fulfilling His promise to me.

1. The handphone speaker were LOUD and CLEAR when I played some music. It was as though no water touched it at all.
2. The laptop suddenly CAME BACK TO LIFE. It started running and I began to type this testimony.

I want to THANK and PRAISE GOD for His faithfulness and giving me this chance to increase my FAITH a/c with Him!

God heals e Nokia Engage's button, He heals the laptop too!

yeah! He is CoOl.


At 2:49 PM, Blogger r.u.t.h. said...

all by his grace brudder!
don't "joga bola" in a "rumah tidur", "lain kali"


At 10:30 PM, Blogger keep_running said...

heh, really by His grace. Haha..rumah tidur SMALL.


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