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Friday, September 22, 2006

Singapore Dreaming

Singapore Dreaming poster
Originally uploaded by elginwx.
Thumbs up for a show which depicts reality in life, especially in our local context. I can almost imgaine the grins on the faces of the various directors borned locally, thinking to themselves: "Now they can't say we produce lousy and 2nd/3rd grade movies..."

It's funny. The director was plagued with "plastic surgery" rather than given the credit as one who directed and cast a movie which touched and (provoked) many hearts. *Laughs. Singapore Dreaming. What are we dreaming of?

Lately, I had a chance to chat with a businessman. We discussed. We debated. I came to the conclusion that the rich do get richer and the poor stay poor. Well, maybe the poor gets themselves move up to the average household tier. But still, the disparity of income can get pretty wide. Is it all about money and fame? Nice and pretty pretty clothes?

"Devil wears a prada" attacks the concept of status and fame. One of the phrase in that show caught my attention: "Oh come on!....EVERYbody wants to be like us.."

I'm guilty of that.

Who shall ascend the hill of the Lord? Only those with clean hands and a pure heart.

I want to be ready.


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