Coffee bean + boiling water = sweet aroma

Patience. So I'll wait for the sweet aromaaaa

Saturday, December 20, 2008

A.M.P.M (2)

Velcome back.

As I journey my way to work, I can't help but see the very commandments long taught by grannies displayed before my very eyes over and over again...especially on certain buses. So here we go..

Beat the bus seat before sitting on it.

Ah Ma: "Ah girl! Come, come...sit here...wait ah... SMACK SMACK SMACK!"
Girl: "Grandma, why are you beating the cushion seat? Look, it's dusty in the air now.."
Ah Ma: "Aiyoh, ah girl, you dunno meh...must beat! Later you get disease then you know...die ah!"

Once again, your truly was a victim of the circumstances. As little children, we would buy wholesale what our grannies say/do/behave. We simply believe them because of the strands of white hair we see we do not possess. We were taught that by beating the cushion of the SBS bus seats, we would render a few effects:
(a). It will be less hot when you sit on it.
(b). It will prevent the transfer of diseases from the previous passenger.
(c). You are telling the whole bus that you're taking that seat.

Well, both options (a) and (c) sounds more logical to me now. Imagine how the previous passenger would feel when he sees you hitting the seat he just gave up... So, according to the Ah Mas, if you just sit down on the hot seat without at least putting at effort to move your arms and slamming it against the cushion, you might just catch a disease! It's fun! It's just like a variety show where you spin the wheel, pick up an envelope and win a prize. Just that this time round, you don't get to choose the disease you might get. Who knows!

Truth is: The SBS bus seats are probably as dirty as any carpet you find in the streets. It's disgusting. So by hitting the seats, you are merely helping to breathe in the dusts kicked up by your fists.

Stay tuned to Ah Mas' power-packed stories for their little grandsons.


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