Coffee bean + boiling water = sweet aroma

Patience. So I'll wait for the sweet aromaaaa

Monday, March 10, 2008


Back to back trainings have taken a toll on me. No doubt it was physically tiring I cannot but smile at the pure fact of both mental and spiritual satisfaction. The spirit is willing but the flesh speaks otherwise. O how I struggle to stay afloat the weary body that seeks every possible minute of rest.

I do ponder, if I am almost weak in my mental strength or is it just mere fatigue setting in after an average of 7hrs training daily. It was a good 5 schools within a span of 2 weeks and hundreds of students to recount moments.

Every class has a story to tell. Every student has a dream to pursue. Every school has a culture to embrace. Yet, the sad truth of being in the last class more than often sinks deep into the hearts of youths who undeniably receive those peircing words from both peers and educators. I vividly recall my days as a secondary student as those words "lousy" & "please la, stop your nonsense" clearly echo in my mind still.

Can you just take a quick moment to imagine the tedious process of enduring this stigmism students struggle to live with daily? Having said all that, that process can happen both in school, and at home. Just take another quick glance at the amount of 'repair' needed for these youths to grow into fine young men and women, each embracing their destiny and fighting to make a difference in their own 'habitat'.

I am amazed at how fear, disappointed and doubts can quickly cloud the minds & hearts of people. Fear is learnt. Disappointed experienced. Doubts stem from the roots of fear. As a Trainer, I can only do this much. I provide you with the knowledge and hand you the keys to unlock those prison doors. I carry you through a journey of self discovery and understanding of both feeling and thoughts. I push you towards turning those knobs. Yet, it is not within my ability (neither is it right of me) to force you make that decision of change. Man can never manipulate that outcome, should it remain true and lasting.

O where shall I begin??
I feel troubled yet excited. Knowing full well the extend of Hope that can replace hopelessness in their hearts yet I can't explicitly declare what I should. Some of them said the session sounded like a 'cell group', some asked if I'm a Christian. One even asked if I'm from a particular mega church just because I sounded charismatic.

Ah yes, now I see some light. Now I see my role. Now I recollect the days of youth and how I looked up to others in my lives.

Abba, it's so exciting to journey on this given job with You. More MORE MORE!


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