Coffee bean + boiling water = sweet aroma

Patience. So I'll wait for the sweet aromaaaa

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Purposeful living?

If you don't have a purpose, then sacrifices don't make sense.
What does it take to awaken our souls in slumber?
What does it take to ignite a passion long lost?
Life is NOT a rehearsal; it is showtime now.
And I utterly "*******" (using the word 'dislike' would be an understatement) and am at a totally unappreciative mood for political fun from any grown-up. The lack of a Godly perspective can only imply a dormant soul. Yucks, I feel like puking.
Because the greatest gift given to mankind is freewill, so I will choose and make right choices.
I will cling on and fixate my vision on the Purpose.


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