Coffee bean + boiling water = sweet aroma

Patience. So I'll wait for the sweet aromaaaa

Friday, February 01, 2008

Coach Elgin?

How do I know that the students received it well?

"I want to grow to be just like the Coaches, to inspire other people as well..."

I didn't do much, all I did was talk. Neither did I say alot, I merely said what I felt is needed. Best of all, it's not me. I couldn't have done it alone. I'm just another being who is an instrument used by a Higher Order.

I begin to ponder:

Words spoken, can have great effects.
Words are formed into sentences in a matter of moments.
It is in these moments that our lives are changed. Some for the better, some simply never the same again.
Unless spoken and shared from the heart, it's not going to inspire.

"I don't think these 3 days of sessions have been time wasted, I have greatly benefitted from it..."

That's how I know.

As an educator, these lives are somehow in our hands. We cross their paths, like it or not, the prints you leave cannot be erased. Neither can you attempt to salvage the poorly left behind prints. You can only give your best during the hours you have. It is in those hours, that either lives are changed or they walk away the same, if not worsed because they see no hope, sense no hope, catch no hope.

3 days, physically tiring, mentally refreshing, intrinsically rewarding and spiritually trying. And it has been GREAT! :)


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