Coffee bean + boiling water = sweet aroma

Patience. So I'll wait for the sweet aromaaaa

Sunday, January 06, 2008


The word "Room!" brings me back to fond memories of my recruit days. The almost starched looking uniformed Sergeant walks into the bunk, sets the section to ease and proudly makes his announcement or routine while the blur recruits stand like stiff barrels. It was fun. Only the recruit portion.

Room also reminds me of always making room for people in my life. Now, that's subjective as the
reader thinks about how there might not be room for him/her then. Well, that does not mean you were not within the consideration set... it just meant that yours will come later. Don't you think that there might be a possibility that others need it more?

Room is also the place where I'm having this post typed. It reminds me of a messy looking yet well organised cozy dwelling to the user. In this case, I would like to think that although the room looks perculiarly messy, it is actually neat and well organised since I don't lose things. It also reminds me of the place that I'm mostly stucked in the house since the hall is either noisy with the Nintendo Wii, the extremely unappreciated music blowing from the speakers of another being's desktop or the everlasting mahjong tiles that clang and rub against one another. I particularly am so displeased with that fact taking place at home. I need to sleep.

Room also reminds me of a rented room I was once in search of. You may read and attempt to interpret that in whatever manner you mindful I'm not some juvenile anymore. Just don't be in shock when you come ask me "eh, you ok or not ah?", I'll get you juggernauted.
Of late, I spoke to someone regarding 'giving up'. I think I said something that made sense then and for some reason, whether divinely crafted or not, things seem to be picking up. I need to know what I said. I did some calculations, renting a room is expensive. It would include you handling the laundry. Managing the change in environment when you don't have a roommate. Best of all, you get plenty of questions from others, and later on from yourself. By then, it's too late. History has been written.

At the end of the day, you see the load weighing on the scale and it only makes sense to bury everything. Yet we all know there's no good outcome when people simply brush things underneath the carpet. It will only come back to you again.

So what's the correct way? What is the right response to matters of the heart that thug and pull and leave us in a state of discomfort, frustration and even anger?

A simple conversation of the same topic led to tears welling up in the eyes and I had to start pulling tissue papers out of the bag (not for myself). Further clarification cleared things up and I understood those tears. Those were not tears of sadness.

In such a helpless situation, He still remains sovereign.



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