Coffee bean + boiling water = sweet aroma

Patience. So I'll wait for the sweet aromaaaa

Saturday, February 09, 2008

What's your next move?

What's your next move in life?

Is it based on the circumstances that people place you in? Only to have you finally caving in and having a lifetime of regrets?
Is it based on the approval of man so as just to live in peace and still look back with horror regrets?

Or do you attempt to step out and find your own voice? Making it known (not necessarily to others, but at least to yourself) and many years down the road, you will smile and thank yourself for holding onto what you believe. You will get to embrace life as it is.

Why move on in this lifetime and simply follow the pressure of the crowd. Finding yourself admist a happening crowd that leads you nowhere.

Over the last couple of years, I have grown up in an environment where my errors were pretty much scruntinized and often accompanied by a decent scolding. That has shaped me to 'take in' words real well. That has also taught me that I need to grow up. That experience, alone, showed me how minute a perspective I used to have.

In retrospect, it was good. I see many in the same field and some are moving on well. Some are still subjecting themselves to the crowd.

I mean, you do need to find yourself.

The annual trip to Chinatown, during this festive season, has been so fruitful this year. A light stroll through the busy streets was one that placed a smile on me as I ventured into a small tentage. Humid weather, but cool in their temperament. It was a pleasant surprise. I found a common gathering place for the aged in that area. Easily we find individuals 2-3 times my age.

They were making their moves in the chess set. So full of experiences and knowledge in this game that they have 7-8moves pre-set. It was an eye-opener for me. One of them said "ai giah ah?"="Do you want to join us?" Nah... not a time to embarrass myself through a game and have them observe my nooby gameplay.

They have taken many steps, I wonder how many

My next move, one that leads me closer to my dream.

What's yours?


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