Coffee bean + boiling water = sweet aroma

Patience. So I'll wait for the sweet aromaaaa

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Ipoh Hor fun!

I'm back! And back with more energy, all thanks to the never ending tim sum breakfast.

Let me recap:
1. Ipoh Hor Fun
2. Lard Noodles (Pastor Ben enjoys it lots)
3. Rat noodles
4. Chicken Rice with ENORMOUS bean sprouts
5. Steam Boat in the cold
6. Popiah --> it just tastes different, and nicer.
7. Morning Shoot at Cameroon Highlands--> Amateur photographers vs Lee Family
8. Glad Sounds with 50% discount on books
9. And yes, the 8hrs to and fro journey.

And here are the pictures:

I simply stand in awe of the beautiful scenary as I behold sights which I only see on TV. As you stand there over some 20minutes or so, the sun takes its time as it rises over the mountains..creating streaks of purple, blue, pink over the skies of Cameroon highlands. No, I don't see that in east coast. As I stood at the tea plantation, frantically trying to frame a nice shot of the sunrise, Jason's dad took out his tripod and went straight to the choice spot. He stood there over the span of 20minutes and emerged satisfied with the few shoots he took. That's what I call a pro. While we were snapping away, vehicles were already climbing from the foot of the hill. These vehicles whizzed pass us and continued to climb the steep ascent. Overlooking the undulating plains, workers have already started work...that was as early as 7am.

The pace is slow, nobody races to get back to their offices and clinch the first deal of the day. As late as 1030am, you will still see adults strolling into the coffee shops to absorb their daily intake of caffeine and bread. And yes, as early as 2pm, you will also see aunties packing up and calling it a day from their work! There was no rush, except for the well known 'malaysian' type of driving. Now that was fast.

Food was not an issue. Good food was. The place where we stayed was not too far from all the action. 10mins walk will do. And so, we came into our first contact with food. Ipoh Hor Fun..and the lard noodles. Imagine yourself holding onto a spoon, you simply scoop the noodles into that tiny surface on the spoon....Lo and Behold, you will find a piece of lard in it. The probability of one finding this brown piece of hardened oil is almost 1. And I'm amongst those who fall into this category of probability. Anyway, I didn't eat it. I got to put in the effort to rescue the body and tummy. (haha..)

And so, the 4 days trip came to an end with Rat Noodles. Some of us were wondering if they have Cat noodles in Ipoh...then we can treat the cat's tail to that.

"Wo wo wo wo wo...waitttt a minute...Loo loo loo loo look guys, let's not get started." That was the catch phrase during the trip. Even the dogs went wo woo woo woo woof! Don't be confused, ask Yhaun Foo. Yhaun Foo should know best. (Somebody please comrade me!) "Ok ok ok, I tell you everything.." Ha, enough private jokes lest someone starts talking about elitism again.

And so, apart from food, the beautiful scenary at the tea plantation caught most of my attention. It's amazing how one can stare at such scenary and then comment on the beauty of it. I mean, who taught you to appreciate such things? Did the Creator teach you how to appreciate His Creation?

It really got me thinking...if no one ever taught you to appreciate the sunrise, sunset, etc., then how would one come to the conclusion that it's pleasing to the eyes? Wouldn't it be due to the fact that creation is so beautiful that it led the human being to confess the awesomeness of it?
Yeap, check out the pictures. The cameras that we used, d.t and myself, probably did injustice to the colours of the flowers and sunrise. But hey, we tried out best. Enjoy...


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