Coffee bean + boiling water = sweet aroma

Patience. So I'll wait for the sweet aromaaaa

Sunday, June 11, 2006

Bak Kwa or Durian?

Originally uploaded by elginwx.
Neither. Mr. Teng is a non-pork eater and a no-no durian being. :) At the recent church retreat, I briefly commented over a meal at the table that I'm taking 4 days worth of 'Leave'. Indeed, it was a good deep breath. (clean air) *Thumbs up*
A question was asked of me. I replied. I realised that I used to like
red & blue when I was much younger. Now, it's changed. However, blue and red do remain as colours that i'm always comfortable with, just that green catches my attention a little bit more lately. As you can see, the colour of the content is mostly...grass.

The desires of my heart didn't change either.
Was it my flesh? I thought long and hard over the weeks. It isn't.
Was it just my personal interest? No, I never really enjoyed dwelling in the midst of irritants. But once I see them, it's all different.

I read a story about this little boy.(let's just called him 'T') who grew up in his village. A small village, situated far away from the town, had a composition of various groups of people from all over the community. Being young, he was always subjected to the influence of those around him, especially the older ones. He saw what they did and he simply followed. No one told him what to do, all he did was follow.
And so, he went to school. Met many people of different faces, heights, shapes, lengths and breadths. Over the next few years, he stayed with his friends, closer ones. He had the time of his life. "Happy go lucky" was a pretty much comment made on him. (I wish I'm like him..haha)
One day, he was selected by his EngCik to join the school's soccer team. He was obviously overjoyed yet fearful because he had never really trusted his ability to play well in that sport. Nonetheless, driven by his boyish desire to play, he joined. His skills began to develop as he continued to mingle with the top notched players in his school: Those who were much older in age and in experience. He, too, grew.
Well, of course, he also faced criticism from other people saying that he belonged to the 'Elite group' since he was found with the school's top soccer players most of the time. What can he say? He's in the team man...
Soon after, he grew from his little years into a teenage. His body grew physically and so did his soccer skills. The sports council spotted his talent and invited him to join the national team where he will train with the U-21 (under 21 years old) boys. Without hesitation, he joined! Knowing that was the place to go next. Happily he went. Happily he stayed. With the team, he fought a few games and they came out victorious.
Years had past and T reached the age of 21. He looked back with fond memories from the days of humble beginnings to the day where he got into the school team and right to the day when he played his first game on TV. He has grown taller, stronger and his skin tanned after basking in the sun for long hours at one go during training sessions. In fact, many of his childhood friends couldn't recognise him. Not to mention, he lost some and grew further from some. The price he had to pay, somehow. Nonetheless, he had his teammates to go to. Through much training together, a bond was formed amongst them which cannot be explained by words. No one knew how much he went through, just to play soccer for his country and to fulfill his little desire.
Yet again, at the age of 21, the Coach approached T and asked if he was interested to learn how to coach together. The Coach had in mind, to place him as a coach to the U-16. Obviously, the Coach knew very well T's ability and experiences, and where is the best place for him to be. T had always been comfortable with his team of friends. Thus, leaving the team was the last thing on his mind.
Little did he know, as he recalled, he was gazing straight at the TV screen as it flashed the moments where a coach was shouting from the bench to his team and giving instructions on how to overcome the opponent. Assistant coach, James Singhram once told T that he might one day become a coach. T knew in his heart, where he would go next.

This story inspired me. I wonder what happened next as T went on in his life.
Let me just imagine....(like I always do)

1. T will face opinions from his friends.
2. Voices that tell him otherwise. His trusted friends would tell him to go where he knows he has to go. His other friends might desuade him and tell him that he is probably too young to coach those boys in U-16 and would not be able to perform as best as he would in this current team (Despite what the Coach said).
3. His life would take on a change. He will not be on the field running and chasing. But he will, as his Coach teaches, learn to coach as well. I wonder how itchy those legs would get.
4. Would his skin stay tanned? You know...coaches can wear a cap or simply stay in the shelter.
5. And yes, how did the story end? Let me go search for it on the internet...and if I do find it, I'll share more with you. :)

Another long post but I was deeply inspired by this little boy. Because I see myself in him. Except that I'm not that great a soccer player and I have never played in the school team. I only know how to pick up balls when they are played out. (muahahahhaa) The 'Elite group' thingy was interesting. I can identify with it. How long would people ever stay in their old mindset and judge with a self pity point of view?
It's like saying..."How long must I bear with this stubborn and stiff-necked generation?"

I learned of this story while I was at the church retreat, a very good deep breadth.
*Thumbs up & Gam Bette!*


At 6:51 PM, Blogger love Him & His pple said...

Great story!

One can only be a coach when one is able to play soccer & continues to improve one's skill. One doesn't play simply with head knowledge but with experience & a desire to know the game better.

May the little boy continue to chase his love of soccer & ignore everything else! =)


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