Coffee bean + boiling water = sweet aroma

Patience. So I'll wait for the sweet aromaaaa

Friday, June 02, 2006

Friends & the letter 'T'

I have thought long and hard before I added this post. It took me a lot of brain juice and effort to have this done up but still, it's necessary. Friends and the letter 'T', shall be the topic of this post. Pictures are done up as best to simulate what went through my mind during the actual situation. The rest are basically facts and truths that were recorded as evidence. Here goes..

Story 1:
The short buildings along the Singapore River are unusually set apart from the rest of the surrounding tall buildings. Each time I cycle to town, I would make it a point to cruise pass that stretch. Perhaps it's the way the buildings were structured or it could be the overall ambience of that place (minus the club houses across the river), I enjoy walking around that place.
And so, I found my way to The Arts House. There, I was very honoured to have been invited to a performance by a graduate from the Laselle Arts School. "Resonance" was theme of the evening's performance. Beautiful pieces and some extrememly powerful diaphragms in the house.
Now, hungry as we were, we made our way to grab a bite at the Esplanade. Here, I witness an account of 2 persons, for anonymity sake: Great Talents and Great Humility, shooting their own toes. Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting(I would have to apologise for hyping up the story and bringing it down to a low at this point.) I'm not allowed to include the rest of the story or I'll be juggernauted.. I wrote about this because I mentioned that I would include the 2 great talents in my up and coming post. But what happened were blunders and times when we all had a good laugh at one another. Akin to spiking one anothers' drinks so that we will lao sai the next moment all with kind and humurous intentions. When was the last time you had that with someone?
Story 2:
The smell of great food never leaves our nostrils. Never. With arch bishop in our midst, we're bound to find food, somehow, somewhere. Introducing, Botak Jones for the second time, this time with a different picture. We had an extremely fun time out cycling. Just a small group this time round because the others had to serve the nation the next day and it was a 1 gender thingy night. The picture you see is specially edited so that you'ld only see the food that was spreaded before us. What happens in moments like this? We laugh, we joke and we also talk abt serious things like how our teams are doing in the premiere league. Whether any of them backslide, who's rising up, who scored a goal, etc. This is called bonding. Someone once said "so nice...I also want to go!-oink." Go organise one for your pack, baby baby. (just joking) Again, when was the last time you had that with your friends?
Story 3:
Whoever was so talented to have started this 'T' word is indeed the talented from the east. Check out this sms reply from a friend. (All names have been omitted to ensure the anonymity of every individuals. I hold no responsibilities to any incidents where their identities are being disclosed, or found out.)
The letter 'T' has been greatly misused.
Let's use Gifted from now on. Thumbs up@!

Well, so much for those 'stories'. But hey! You have those stories of your own too right? Have you ever wondered where they came from?

Mine came from friends around me.
In the team I'm in, together with 2 other managers, we have seen many players come and go. Some are still around, some have been around for wow...very long - They are called 2nd generation league players. Their parents are also fellow players.
However, there are those who never knew how the world of soccer is all about. They heard about it, read about it and they even want to join the team. Yet some of them leave after a while. No, not because they wanted to change team. Rather, they found soccer boring after a period of time. They found themselves alone when they see the teammates bond amongst themselves. And so they left.
Have you ever seen a team play on the field with such unity because the managers do a good job in gaining rapport and building relationships? Not so.
But I do see teams that perform outstandingly well when they play and train often with one another. Gaining rapport and building relationships amongst themselves. That, I'm impressed. Thumbs up!
Soccer, 1 ball. And in one of emirates' advertisement, they claim they speak 1 language. What language do we speak? Love? :)
Ok, enough soccer commentry.
And enough of the 'T' word in my life. From now on, let's use gifted. See, if you use's sounds weird to call someone D.G - d*ryl gifted, or J.G - Jam gifted. Or even G.G. So let's use gifted lar. Sounds nicer and less sarcastic.

Thumbs up! Gam Bette!


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