Coffee bean + boiling water = sweet aroma

Patience. So I'll wait for the sweet aromaaaa

Sunday, June 25, 2006

Did you know...?

This shall be the "Did you know" post.

"Did you know" truth No. 1: I was punked
There was this co-lifegroup leader who went to Bali for the recent mission trip. For anonymity sake, let's just call the person J. And so J went and returned, a good trip I suppsed. On her hands held mini 'surfboards' & 'bass guitars w 4 strings'.
They call those things souvenirs.
So J conveniently mentioned and at the same time, motioned to Ah Lee Thiar, saying, "look, she bought these for her co-leaders! Very cheap over there...approx S$2+....I didn't get anything for u leh." (Well, I must say Photobucket - Video and Image Hostingthat my expression was nonchalent, in case you hear a different story.) "But I took the picture of the wax for you! I'll send to you online ok?"
Being a trust worthy person, I took those statements at face value. Just 1 day later, over dinner, I casually mentioned "ok, so where's my 'surfboard' and 'guitar' present from you?" Together with the bag of souvenirs popped out this black bag tied up and placed just in front of me. For a moment, I didn't notice it probably it was well camouflaged (just like how the giver intended to hide it from the start). Ah ha! I took it, undid the knot and to my surprise,it's a Gatsby Wax which I was told I won't have! I did a standing ovation in front of IGNITE and BREAD for this successful attempt of J. Not bad, considering it was planned way back in Bali, in one of the obscure room near the beach. *clap clap* She must have been affected by the Amazing Boys in Bali. (Raises eyebrow) I was punked!

"Did you know" truth No. 2: Good English Campaign in Singapore

Ahh...There was a flood in Novena Mrt Station just 2 days ago. The cause of it, as mentioned by Channelnewsasia, was due to the construction site nearby. Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

For those who know, it's the one just beside novena square. See on the right for the picture of those walking in the water. Report has it that it was up to 3cm in height of water in the train station. often do you get to walk in a train station flooded with water? Maybe when we finally get into a war with Dr. Magneto.

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Well, together with the flood came the 'Speak Good English' Campaign launched that very same morning when the waters came in.
"Attention! Floor Slippy! "Excuse me?! Floor is slippery or slippy?? Can you tell me which chinese, indian, malay typed that out? ( if I missed out any colours, I'm sorry and I wouldn't waste time explaining why I'm sorry.) My first reaction was "I can't be bothered with that, I'm hungry and I'm headed to TTSH to join Ignite for dinner." But hey! Mr. Special Program from HCI couldn't help but take notice of that beautiful poster and had a picture taken of it. There's just this air of confirmation of how the campaign has been sooooooo successful huh. The civil servant striking the toes of the government. From the same source, he has another picture which states "English Lanaguage Book" for the primary school. If there's a better description to my reaction, let there be. If not, my jaws dropped. I read an article which mentioned that teaching language will begin from as young as kindergarten. Starting from grammer. Well, start from the teachers please. In the same way, revival got to start from our hearts first. Leaders got to own the vision. Members got to own the vision too. nvm, shall not steer into that direction yet. Well, here's one from me... "make sure u all study heart, get your england straight and next time u can become a dogtor." (Hey, if u read it properly, that's how we all actually pronounce those words at times.)

"Did you know" truth No. 3
: Night snacks

Flipping through the bible can become a habit as I look through what I highlighted. Don't say never share night snacks with you...Here goes:

Colossians 2:14 "...He cancelled the record of the charges against us and took it away by nailing it to the Cross. In this way, He disarmed the spiritual rulers and authories. He shamed them publicly by His victory over them on the Cross." - NLT.

Even more interestingly, in NKJV, it states in v14 "...having wiped out the handwriting of requirements that was against us...and He has taken it out of the way, having nailed it to the Cross..."

A couple of things caught my attention here. 1. "Handwriting" 2. "disarmed" 3. "Nailed it to the Cross"
I did some reading up and realised that the 'handwritings' here, back then, refers to the monetary obligation being acknowledged by a debtor. It is a signed confession of indebtedness or bond. Basically, a legal proof. In this case, it would be a debt book. A record which showed and testified the debts of men; that is, our sins and what punishments are due to us. More can be read here, a sermon by Charles Spurgeon, enjoy.
Hmm, I shall not write much over here except for you to read the link given you...Read not with preconceived knowledge of what you already have but imagine yourself receiving it first hand and understand the extend and measure of what was done on the Cross.
Dig it in!
Interesting things to find out each day huh. What more from the Word of God. Fresh bread from the oven of the Most High God. Arh...that's another post for another day.


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