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Tuesday, November 04, 2008

The state of contentment

driven, vision minded, bliss, happiness, joy, satisfaction, ease, fulfillment - whatever you call it.

Truth is, we always want more. That is true in every sense as long as the content reaches a place in us where desire outgrows the inventory of your life.

How contented are you with your family?
How contented are you with your spouse?
How contented are you with yourself?
How contented are you with your job?

Not long back, someone asked: "hey dude, so are you enjoying your job?"The obvious answer from Elgin goes something like: "Of course!"

Good new is, I still enjoy doing what I'm doing.

Someone once asked about the vision I have for my life. I found it hard to produce an answer. In fact, I questioned myself. It took me close to 2 months before finally realizing the pattern of influence, contact and joy in my life. I love to come in contact with the youths. I still do, despite some can really get on my nerves.

Even better - "whatever that drives you into your job, will likely be the same reason that drives you out of it too." I heard that statement and swallowed it. I still think so. But discontentment can get the better of anyone lest there is a daily renewal of mind. Sad Truth is, I don't see that for everyone who walks in and out of my workspace in the last 2 months.

I wonder, when will I come face to face in confrontation of that statement.

Someone gave me this card and wrote at the back of it. Thanks for the encouragement :)


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